Take your sketchbook outside

Are you looking for a change of scenery and want to paint in nature?

As artists, it’s important to take a break from painting with reference photos and switch to drawing from life! I find so much inspiration being out in nature. 

 Here are some tips to help you paint in the beautiful outdoors!

  • Keep your tools simple! Bring a sketchbook or even a few sheets of paper and a pencil. That’s all you need!

  • Head somewhere green. Whether that’s the woods, a park, or your backyard.. anywhere that has a bit of green space will work. I encourage you to walk around and spend a few minutes studying what you see. What is the light like? What attracts you to the scene? After looking for a few minutes, is there anything you see that you didn’t notice initially?

  • Once you’ve picked your reference, start sketching! You can do so sitting or standing. It doesn’t have to be for very long (especially if it’s cold!) 5 to 10 minutes will do! I recommend trying to look up/at the scene more than your paper. You want to really draw what you see, not what you know. You could even do it “blind” by not looking at your paper at all! Remember this is just for fun, you don’t have to create a finished drawing. 

  • Drawing and painting from life help you to see things as they really are. Photos tend to flatten scenes and change the colors and contrast. By practicing out in nature, it can help you when you’re creating inside and get more comfortable painting outside! 

  • This exercise is such a lovely break from the day-to-day. Connecting with nature and creating are two of my favorite things so this is a wonderful way to combine them!


Positive Mantras for your Painting Practice


Finding beauty in your art